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Nail-Biting Time and Your Madison, Wisconsin Home Inspection


nail biting home inspection

It’s probably just an inevitable part of the human condition.

For almost everyone, awaiting any Madison, Wisconsin home inspection is pure, unadulterated jitters time. Nail-biting time. Edge-of-your-seat time.

It isn’t because anyone seriously expects any of our Madison, Wisconsin home inspectors to be ogres. Certainly the inspectors I recommend are uniformly courteous, professional, and quite empathetic. They should be empathetic, because of the situation—which consists of a buyer standing by, ready to become the proud owner of seller’s Madison, Wisconsin dream house. With only the home inspection remaining to be conducted…

In other words, the inspector is asked to perform a professional service, the purpose of which is to uncover any previously unknown defects.

Potentially derailing the otherwise blissful scenario of uniting of buyer with house.

That is why, in the backs of both seller’s and buyers’ minds, there is usually some form of this scenario: the seller is in the act of dropping the front door keys into the outstretched hand of the buyer, only to have the home inspector snatch them out of the air. Caved-in roof has suddenly materialized; termite-infested inner walls discovered; fireplace housing found to actually be made of strawberry jello (all right, I made that one up). The point is, if you have house-hunted extensively to little avail—then finally found THE place of your dreams, you really really don’t want your Madison, Wisconsin home inspection to turn up any bad news. Ditto if it’s your home about to be sold. With the additional factor that if some defect turns up that you knew nothing about, you still could wind up looking like a jerk…

Given the tension and anxiety involved with the profession, it’s just short of miraculous that our home inspectors aren’t all fighting peptic ulcers. The reason is probably because, when all is said and done, performing a thorough home inspection is a high-skill accomplishment—one of great value to both buyer and seller.

For the seller, the home inspection ritual is an exercise that bolsters the buyer’s confidence in the wisdom of such a momentous transaction. Without it, who knows how many homes would not change hands as readily? For the buyer, even when no defects are discovered (as is often the case), the home inspection report serves as an invaluable handbook, filled with useful details about the nature and status of the residence’s structure and systems.

Some agents believe they should spare jittery home buying clients a nerve-wracking experience by counseling them to stay away during the actual home inspection. However, accompanying the inspector is a valuable way to get in-depth knowledge about the workings of their new residence. Plus—there’s no better way to get over those jitters than to acquaint yourself with the real value you are about to acquire.

Having an experienced Madison, Wisconsin agent on your team is an excellent way to prevent any jitters from developing in your home buying process—another good reason to call me!

Jen Stauter Kornstedt
HomeTeam4U-Stark Company Realtors
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